Dr. Khadavi has helped countless patients enhance their lives by removing painful and unsightly bunions from their feet by way of surgery. Bunion surgery involves creating a surgical ‘break’ (medically called an osteotomy) in the deviated metatarsal bone to realign only a portion of the bone. A variety of shaped cuts can be performed to treat varying sizes of bunions. Bunions aren’t just unpleasant to the eye, they can also be very painful and make it hard to fit into most shoes. Having your bunions surgically removed can improve your happiness as well!

Tailor’s bunion surgery is the identical thing to a bunion surgery but it is a bump on the outside of the foot. The steps are exactly the same, but again things are done on the outside bone(5th metatarsal). Tailor’s bunions can also be uncomfortable and affect your quality of life if they aren’t addressed quickly.

What Are Bunions?
A bunion can occor when your big toe deviates inward towards the second toe. The medical term for a bunion is hallux abductovalgus and it's a condition that results in boney prominence around the big toe joint on the inside of your foot.
What Causes Bunions?
Some foot types are more prone to developing bunions due to a faulty mechanical structure of the foot. In other words, you didn't inheret bunions, but you did inheret a foot structure that was faulty from birth. Wearing shoes that crowd your toes can further enhance the progression of a bunion that has bugun to form.
What are the symptoms of bunions?
Often while wearing certain types of shoes, you may experience symptoms like:
- soreness
- Inflammation and redness
- A burning sensation
What's the downtime after bunion surgery?
We have you walking that same day. At the 2 week mark we transfer you into sneakers, and at the 4 week mark we begin to have you start wearing more of your normal shoes. Exercise will begin at 5-6 weeks, depending on your healing.
Can Bunions Come back after surgery?
It's unlikely. There is only about a 5-6% possibility for bunions to return after surgery.
Are you looking to improve your foot health with bunion removal, but aren’t sure if bunion surgery is the right treatment for you? Tell us more about yourself and someone will get back to you to schedule your consultation. Thanks for reaching out to TRU FOOT & ANKLE®!